Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
89 lines
;this routine will check for valid filenames and is call from BASIC
;written by howard glosser
;return codes set as follows...
; 0 - no special occurrences
; 1 - global name
; 2 - invalid drive
; 3 - invalid filename
; 4 - no extension on filename
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg
jmp begin
retcd dw 0
validate proc far
begin: push bp ;save bp for far return
mov bp,sp ;move stack pointer to bp
mov bx,[bp]+10 ;point bx at parm 1
mov si,1[bx] ;get filename to validate
mov bx,[bp]+8 ;point bx at parm 2
mov di,1[bx] ;get work area
mov cs:retcd,0 ;move 0 to return code
push si ;save si register
mov al,0fh ;bits on in low al reg for parse
mov ah,29h ;set up for parsing filename
int 21h ;dos interrupt
pop si ;restore si register
cmp al,01h ;do we have a global name?
jne ckdrv ;no - check drive
or cs:retcd,01h ;yes - indicate global name
ckdrv: cmp byte ptr[si]+1,':' ;is there a drive letter?
jne ckname ;no - check the name
add si,2 ;yes - set si past letter/colon
cmp al,0ffh ;is it valid?
jne ckname ;yes - go check name
or cs:retcd,02h ;no - indicate invalid drive
ckname: cmp byte ptr[di]+1,' ' ;invalid characters in name
jne scaname ;no - scan for name
or cs:retcd,04h ;yes - indicate invalid name
jmp namedone ;done - go leave subroutine
scaname: mov al,'.' ;set al for end of name scan
mov cx,9 ;scan nine characters
nameloop: cmp byte ptr[si],al ;get a hit on '.'
je ckext ;yes - check extension
cmp byte ptr[si],' ' ;hit a blank
je noext ;yes - no extension on name
inc si ;bump name one character
loop nameloop ;do again
or cs:retcd,04h ;get here - name's invalid
jmp namedone ;done - go leave subroutine
ckext: inc si ;bump si past '.'
mov al,' ' ;set al for extension scan
mov cx,4 ;scan four characters
cmp byte ptr[si],al ;get a hit on ' ' at start
je namedone ;yes - there's no actual extension
extloop: cmp byte ptr[si],al ;get a hit on ' '
je namedone ;yes - filename is okay
inc si ;bump to next character in ext
loop extloop ;do again
or cs:retcd,04h ;get here - name's invalid
jmp namedone ;done - go leave subroutine
noext: or cs:retcd,08h ;no extension - indicate this
namedone: mov di,[bp]+6 ;point di at parm 3
mov ax,cs:retcd ;put return code in ax
mov [di],ax ;move return code for basic
pop bp ;restore bp
ret 6 ;return with three parms on stack
validate endp
cseg ends